Tuesday, November 10, 2009

4 cyber-questions to ACS about its strategy to promote tobacco control in Africa

1. In July the Gates Foundation chose ACS to finalize a proposal for a $7 million project (for 5 years) to promote tobacco control in Africa. Where is ACS now in the process of finalizing this grant?

2. An important element of the ACS proposal was the creation of a Consortium including several partner-organizations that would co-manage the program. Could we know more about this Consortium and how it would work?

3. ACS has opened a blog about the AORTIC conference and there is also the Global Fight Against Cancer blog.
Are blogs going to be part of the communication strategy for the Gates project?

4. The ACS proposal mentions a multilingual approach: how is this going to work? How are the French speaking, Portuguese speaking people going to be included?

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